Human Condition
Full illustrated catalogue, Human Condition, Port Macquarie Regional Gallery and Olsen Irwin Gallery, 2015. isbn: 978-0-9871534-1-8...
Tu-Whit! Tu-Whoo!
Full illustrated catalogue, Tu-Whit! Tu-Whoo! Bathurst Regional Art Gallery and Olsen Irwin Gallery 2013. isbn: 978-0-9871534-1-8
Australia Day: The Nation in Landscape
#SMH #AustraliaDay #LukeSciberras #TheNationinLandscape
The Art of Pasta
The Art of Pasta by Lucio Galletto and David Dale. Illustrated by Luke Sciberras. Penguin Lantern Books 2011
Australian Painters on the Nature of Creativity Photography by R. Ian Lloyd Text by John McDonald 2007
The Sydney Magazine
Master and apprentice